Veniality sample

We’ve made a small sample of the song Veniality which will be featuring as a bonustrack on the single “the Phantom… [+]

Gig cancelled

We are sorry to announce that due to illness of Ad and Simone we have decided that it would be better to cancel the… [+]

Bustrip and tour diary update

Since there was not enough interest, the bustrip to the “Female Metal Voice Fest” organized by our friends… [+]

Tour diary update

Coen has written something about the three gigs we did last weekend so go check it out in the tourdiary section!!!

New pictures online

Our photo gallery editor is finally finished which gives us the possibility to upload pictures ourselves. The layout… [+]

Tour diary update

Mark has written something about the Artquake festival in the tour diary section. Go check it out!!!

New Poll

A new Poll has been added to the poll section.

New merchandise online

Our new merchandise is online and from now on can be purchased through the internet and of course at Epica gigs.… [+]


Our friends from the Dutch metal band Morning are organising a bustrip to the Metal Female Voices Fest that will be on 8… [+]